General Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to ensure that our Staff (including board members, employees, consultants, visitors and local partner organisations) and Associates treat each other and the children, young people and communities we work with with dignity and respect. The Dutch Foundation recognizes that as a children’s rights organization it has a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that children are safe when in the care of the organization, directly or indirectly. We are committed to always defining and maintaining the highest standards of conduct, both inside and outside the work environment. The Dutch Foundation Code of Conduct is therefore designed to provide clear guidance to our Staff and Associates on behaving in a manner consistent with their role and commitment to our values, and to provide examples of behavior that will always be unacceptable . Our Code of Conduct is designed to ensure compliance with related policies, ensure full disclosure of suspected or alleged violations of expected standards of conduct, and maintain the professional reputation of the organization so that we can achieve our mission. This Code should also be read and understood in conjunction with the following associated policies, which may be amended from time to time:

  • Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy (one for Dutch Foundation staff and one for local partners)
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Whistleblower policy
  • Sanctions policy

GUIDELINES (not exhaustive)

I. I will respect others

I will:

  1. Respect the rights of all people without discrimination.
  2. Always act fairly and fairly and treat people with dignity and respect.

I will not:

  1. Engage in any form of discrimination, harassment, bullying, restraint of abuse (physical, intimate, or verbal), intimidation of exploitation, or otherwise violate the rights of others.

II. I will actively work to protect the rights of children and young people

I will:

  1. Being open and honest in my dealings with children and young people, their families and powerful people who participate in programs.
  2. Being aware of the power differential between an adult and a child and avoiding taking this advantage.
  3. Waiting for appropriate physical contact, such as hand holding, is initiated by the species.
  4. Creating and facilitating an environment that prevents abuse and exploitation of children and young people ensures that I am aware of potential risks related to my behavior and work, and take appropriate measures to reduce risks to children and young people.
  5. Respond immediately to children’s concerns/problems.
  6. Asking permission of the kind before taking photos or video recordings, according to the conditions failed in section 2. Media and Communications of the Child Protection Policy.

I will not:

  1. Only spend time with a species associated with the Dutch Foundation programs outside of work requirements.
  2. Using inappropriate language or making sexually suggestive comments or actions towards a species, young person or other vulnerable person.
  3. Marrying or being involved in any form of sexual/physical relations with a person under the age of 18.
  4. Discriminate against, favor, shame, generalize, belittle, degrade, beat, or actually physically abuse or sexually abuse any type of vulnerable person.
  5. Share confidential information about a species and/or its family or publisher unless for good reason and to challenge the protection of the species.
  6. Be personally involved in, among other things, viewing, producing, producing, distributing child pornography; child sex tourism; child trafficking; and another form of sexual exploitation.
  7. Abusing or exploiting any kind of young person or behaving in a way that places any kind of young person at risk, including through traditional practices such as female genital mutilation and child, early or forced marriage.

III. I will maintain high standards of personal and professional conduct

I Will:

  1. Comply with the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy, the Child Protection Policy, the Code of Conduct and the responsibilities set out therein.
  2. Inform the director/integrity advisor if I am involved in a situation where my actions could be misinterpreted or bring the organization into disrepute.

I will not:

  1. Pursue personal or family gain or advantage in my dealings with or on behalf of the Dutch Foundation.
  2. Accepting bribes, significant gifts, favors of financial value or other services offered as a result of my work at the Dutch Foundation or in relation to our assistance, goods or services of any kind.
  3. Entering into a business relationship without my manager’s permission.
  4. Drinking alcohol or using substances in a way that adversely affects my ability to do my work or harms the reputation of the Dutch Foundation.
  5. Possessing or profiting from the sale of illegal goods or substances.
  6. Use the Dutch Foundation’s computer equipment, mobile phones, video and digital cameras or other equipment to view, download, create or distribute inappropriate material, including but not limited to pornographic, defamatory, offensive, sexist, racist or otherwise exploitative material.
  7. Exchanging money, work, goods or services for sex, including sexual favors or other forms of demeaning, degrading or exploitative behavior.
  8. Disclose private or confidential information relating to the Dutch Foundation or its staff, Associates or beneficiaries to others, unless this is a requirement of my job or I am legally obligated to do so.

IV. I will report any concern or incident regarding this Code of Conduct

I Will:

  1. Report any matter that appears to violate the standards in the Code of Conduct or associated policies that I witness or am aware of to the Director or Integrity Advisor, in accordance with the relevant and/or country-specific procedures set out in the Whistleblowing Policy.
  2. Support any investigation of suspected, alleged or known violations of this Code, including as a witness.
  3. Inform the integrity advisor or director if I am involved in a situation in which my actions could be misinterpreted or bring the organization into disrepute.

I will not:

  1. Withholding relevant information.
  2. Act on one’s own initiative in a manner that is not in line with local policies and procedures and/or without guidance from relevant contacts and managers.


The integrity advisor is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Code of Conduct. In case of non-compliance, employees can report this to Failure to comply with the Dutch Foundation Code of Conduct and the standards of conduct it promotes and requires may result in disciplinary action (including possible dismissal or termination of all relationships with the Dutch Foundation, including contractual and partnership agreements). The actual sanctions will depend on the severity of the violation(s) of the rules and policies. In some cases the matter may be so serious that it will result in criminal prosecution or we may choose (and in some cases be obliged) to report it to relevant professional or government authorities. Please refer to the Whistleblower Policy and Sanctions Policy for more information.


I, the undersigned, have hereby read and understood the Dutch Foundation’s General Code of Conduct, the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy and the Child Protection Policy and the Code of Conduct, and I agree to comply with the standards and responsibilities set forth therein. Name: Date and Place: Signature: